Brand NEW Kicks

NIKE Dunk Low Supreme - Thanks to Jon Stein

CURRENT LOCATION: In the Kitchen... No, not cooking -- unless we're talking Ramen Noodles.

"With the brand new kicks never ever outta style, got her flashing me a pair like Girls Gon' Wild". I forgot how hard it is to shop.. in normal stores at least. I've been in at least 10 department stores in the past two days gearing up and everything is the same in each store. I just don't get it. How is it cool to wear Ed Hardy if any dude or girl with $50 can grab a t-shirt and sport it?

I guess my inner-self has always strived to be different. It sounds misleading... I haven't had to try by any means -- I just don't like doing what everybody else does. To me there's something about seeing something in a store that I know nobody else will have - my uncontrollable instinct says, "Nobody is going to have that....... That's cool." and next thing ya know there are things in my closet that are bizarre or well, different.

It's also crazy how fast a brand such as Ed Hardy or now with shoes like Supras or Creative Recreation reach the tipping point. Not saying I don't dig 'em, cuz I do like all three of those brands, but how cool are they now that everybody is wearing them? I always want what's next!
Price doesn't affect my intuition either...

Over time, I've learned to trust my instinct whether it's working on a track or just buying shoes. It's either hot or it's not. Period.

"See No Limits. Hear No Limits."


P.S. Thanks to Paulina at AKIRA in the C-H-I for hookin' me up!