What is "Burbetto"?

The Logo

CURRENT LOCATION: Don't you wanna know. Running around preppin' for my gig tonight!

Wouldn't you like to know?

Just because I'm a rapper, doesn't mean my music is directed at the hood -- that's a common stereotype. My music is directed at the world... Everybody in the industry keeps telling me to pick my target audience and attack 'em, but if you ask me... It's you... and you... and you too. I'm not going to discriminate my audience. If you wanna listen to my music, buy my album, or come see my shows, you're more than welcome to -- you don't need to be in some exclusive group or something. How many times have you heard someone ask someone else, "Why do you listen to them? You're not _____." Exactly!

Also, just because I'm from the suburbs doesn't mean I have nothing to rap about... Damn. So stop asking me, "What do you have to rap about?" I rap about what I feel like rapping about that day and if it's not relevant to you, then that's cool. Thanks for listening!

Haters... I love you!

So back to Burbetto... It's a combination of two words, but it's deeper than that...  But I can't tell you the rest right now.  That'll have to be a later post.  or series of postssss...  and videos.

Are you ready for The Reverse Racism Experience?

"See No Limits. Hear No Limits."