My Single is Playing in Mexico?

CURRENT LOCATION: Finally out of the car after four and a half hours coming back to Bloomington from NBK. and I'm back Herman B. Wells library at 4 A.M. where I started blogging last week. Just got done e-mailing DJ Boogie Boy my tracks for the showtape.

Text message received from one of my girl friends last night at 1:05:24 (the :24 is essential) -- "jake they played your song at a club in mexico".

I know DJ's in pools claim the record is playing in the UK, Germany, Japan, and has spread all the way to Antarctica, but to hear it firsthand from somebody who heard it.. OK... STFU, that's pretty tight.

Now I get to hear spring break stories for the next week :-P while I was at home working on the movement. Come to think of it though, it's cool; Next year I'll be rocking the stage in Panama City with MTV.

As for this year, opening for the Game will have to work... But the way I'm treating this show, you'd think I'm performing down at Panama haha -- you'll see soon enough!

MBM: Make Big Moves.

"See No Limits. Hear No Limits."


Two days after I posted this, my sister's boyfriend heard the song on his resort in Florida. Meanwhile DMARC found out one of the stations we're on the top request list for with mediabase is actually a sex talk radio that plays music. With lines like, "Let me see your ponytail from bird's eye vision" and "Call you dynamite because you blow me like some TNT" for some reason I'm not surprised LOL