Thank you for all the messagesss -- I guess you wanna see a post.


Have you ever gotten fucked? lol, I know you have. Wow.. It's at the point where I can laugh about it -- I'm making progress.

I got this song, right? It's H-O-T... And I'm pretty sure the "O" in HOT is interchangeable with an "I"--Therefore, we would have "H-I-T". Some of you may have heard it... Some of you may have not.

Anyway, I know this song is fire because its feedback has been remarkable across the country with completely different demographics. They say you can't please everybody... and I believe that, but I'm still trying to figure out who this song doesn't please.

(My grandma just called me... to go to dinner... with her and my grandpa... and I'm going to go. but some lyricssss:

Hey grandma, it’s not a phase, this is me,
It’s time you appreciate me for, who I be... )

Back to the hit... I filmed a music video over a month ago now for this song.. And I couldn't be more disappointed. I've shown quite a few people and they all like it, but they don't see what I see. The video was supposed to be on MTV this entire month and instead has sat in front of some editor's face who has NO IDEA what he is doing and was already paid by the team of people who were handling the video -- as I would post on twitter #fail !!!

The sucky part is these guys are real professionals, or so you would think based on their resume, but I got fucked. I wish we could salvage it, but we can't... and I need to re-film.

"Ok, so JQ, why aren't you, or better yet, why haven't you re-filmed?"

Well, you see.. music is many ways a capital game. And right now, that's all I got... So I have to make a decision, release the shitty video and let the hit carry itself or wait until I can raise another 5 figure budget and make a real move... Either way, the "SUMMER SONG" I had lined up, looks like it will be a fall song at best, and I wouldn't even be surprised if some of you reading this were reading it after hearing it this SPRING!

I'm really upset about it if you can't tell... Not a lot of things get me down, but it seems like that is the piece I need to move on. Like I'm some sort of video game level with no ammo and I got shoot guys to move on so I'm looking around the whole level for ammo.. When I told my girl that on the phone yesterday, she said it was in my pants LMAO

and for all of you that wanna fuck with me.. "what you been doing g, come fuck with me nigg" ain't gon cut it.. Cuz I know most of y'all ain't doing shit. PERIOD. hahah n to all you out there trying to get it in, never say "google me" either. It's just not classy... I'm a smart dude; if I'm thinking of fucking with you, I'm probably gonna google you anyway.

So my dilemma stands... I just don't think I can release something that isn't perfect. My first single wasn't my choice of release... And when it didn't do what I wanted it to do-- I could only blame myself. The question is would I rather depress or fail? Neither of those are viable options...


"See No Limits. Hear No Limits."


P.S. If I get one more call from CutCo asking me to sell knives this summer, I'm gonna buy a CutCo knife and stab the lady on the phone with it...

"HI JAKE...! My name's Shannon, you don't know me, but your friend Aaron Paker (yeah, I'm throwing your name out dipshit... n I like you, but man... she called 3x fam!) referred you to me as somebody who might be interested in making a little bit of extra cash this summer."

"I make enough cash" CLICK!

This lady, I wanna call her a bitch, but I'm not sexist -- let's just say if she was a dude she'd be a huge prick -- she called up my boy and did the same pitch, righT?

He was like, "I got 3 jobs this summer... so I'm good, but thank you."

She comes back with, "Well, I'm with Brian (the kid who referred him) right now and he says you have no jobs."

hahaha and my boy got like an internship, he's a tennis coach, and he babysits.. well, nah, he doesn't babysit, but I don't know the third job, but he's got it! Aight?

Fuck ittttt --

Happy Belated Baby.