BTOWN STAND UP -- I love this town... >>>SPREAD THE WORD

CURRENT LOCATION: Right back where I think I started this blog... Can somebody say Herman B. Wells library?

So it's my second week of campus and I'm having nothing short of a dope ass time at the best college in the world. Shouts to my fraternity and every gorgeous Bloomington girl that I've partied with or have said what up to thus farrr.. We're in the making for a great year.

Despite the great parties, and amazingly interesting classes (yeah, for once, right?), there is nothing I'm enjoying more than the LOVE from all of you -- INDIANA students and everyone else on the internet that's helping SPREAD THE WORD about my mixtape and everything else I got going on.

I was walking out of my apartment two days ago and some dude was on a bike and dodged me at the last second, turns around, and yells "love the mixtape". That's what the fuck is up.. Lots of love at the tailgate too. I think I gotta perform thereeeeee hahahaha -- that might just be a hint of what's about to come.

Musically I've been working with a lot of awesome producers in town doing their thing -- shouts to J-CUSE and congrats to him as well on his recent placing of Bow Wow's new single "BREAK IT DOWN" which rumor has it will be featuring Drake as well, my boy J. Miles, Javan, and SoundRemedy. Lots of young talent, I dig.

The street team is getting ready to go back to wrok with new missions and objectives and when we see facebook statuses, comments, and photos we can't help but get excited, but you should be excited to. Bloomington, I'm gonna give back to you-- surprise you with a nice little Welcome Back show within the next 3 weeks... and trust me you'll know when and where because my street team is going to have this place on lock because they got my back like thatttt.

If you're not in BTOWN, you're missing out, but don't worry this year I will be coming to a city near you.. I just gotta get this Dixie Cups single music video and promo all straight before I can devote all my time to rocking out with you. But it's going to happen...

So once again, thanks to everyone coast to coast and especially BTOWN for spreading the worddddd about me, my music, and my movementttt.. you're da shit

"See No Limits. Hear No Limits."